All Saints' Lutheran Church of Auburn, WA
Welcome to All Saints' Lutheran Church!
All Saints' is a community of Christians who worship and study scripture following the Lutheran tradition. Find out more about our faith community...
Join Us In Person
All Saints' holds in-person worship every Sunday at 10 AM in the sanctuary. When you worship with us:
Wearing a mask is optional indoors. Please attend with or without a mask, as needed for your personal comfort.
If you do not feel well, please join us via livestream worship.

Livestream Worship
The in-person worship service is also livestreamed on Sunday mornings at 10 AM.
You can watch the service from your computer, laptop, tablet or smart phone. Find the link in the Worship tab.
Before tuning in, be sure to check out the Snapshot so you can follow the prayers and Scriptures and read the most recent announcements.
In preparation for communion, get your at-home communion bread and wine ready so you can commune with the congregation during the service.
All Saints'
Lutheran Church
27225 Military Road South
Auburn WA 98001
Serving South King County
Auburn, Des Moines, Kent,
Federal Way
Mail to:
PO Box 3069
Federal Way WA 98063

What are you waiting for?
Looking for a church home? We would love to have you worship with us. Come to All Saints' and experience the fellowship of Christians who are "real people." Join us in person or view the livestreamed service on Sunday. Stay afterwards to be greeted by other worshipers. You are loved more than you know!