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Holy Week at All Saints'

The week before Easter is known as Holy Week. The focus during this time is the last week of Jesus’ earthly life and the significance of the immense love God has for the people of the world for all time and eternity.  At ASLC we will commemorate Holy Week with three services, all in person, in our Sanctuary.  Everyone is welcome.

Palm and Passion Sunday
April 10 at 10:00am


On this day we commemorate the entry of Jesus into the city of Jerusalem, the site of the Jewish Temple.


During this time of oppression by the Roman government in Palestine, Jesus is initially acclaimed by the crowds as a king and probable Messiah. Later in the week the mood changes and  opposition to Jesus grows.

Maundy Thursday
April 14 at 6:30pm


The word Maundy means “Mandate or Commandment” and signifies an important commandment Jesus gave all his followers: “Love one another as I have loved you.” This love is more than nice feelings but an action of good will and sacrifice for the sake of other people.  On this night we will commemorate Maundy Thursday with:

Prayer Around the World

This will be a candlelight prayer vigil for all the nations of the world. There is nothing more important right now than our prayers to end war, violence, famine, racism and so many other un-loving actions and attitudes.

The evening will conclude with a service of Holy Communion. 

Good Friday
April 15 at 7:30pm


"Good" seems a strange name for the day Christians observe the death of Jesus upon the cross, the Roman instrument of torture and execution.

The word good is closely connected with the word HOLY,  and suggests the death of Jesus was not the extermination of God’s work in this world!

This day is sometimes called "God’s Friday" for the very reason that the  Easter Resurrection that follows is to be God’s final Word on the subjects of oppression, injustice and death.  We will commemorate Good Friday with:

Prayer Around the Cross

We will gather around a candle-lit cross and listen again to the story of Jesus’ death as we keep silent.  The room will be the gradually darkened as the candles are extinguished and we consider the various emotions, thoughts and attitudes that have been crucified with Jesus.​

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